Saturday, December 11, 2010

Big Bad Wolf

the big bad wolf was tapping at my shack
 some weeks ago.
threatening the popsicle sticks and 
haphazardly fostering the structural sanity of this shanty, 
breathing salty, humid breath upon the door,
rapping at my lack of construction,
my inability to create a sturdy foundation,
empty attempts to master creation
preschool paste and googly eyes gone all awry. 

I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow apart this entire town!
this town of uncertainty 
and lies,
where you see yourself in a mirror-
but the mirror's a 
other hats from dress up bins,
other hearts from sappy movies,
other ideas from external dreaming,
other myths from others doing,
other experiences from lives
you've never wanted to live,
if they take and they take,
and you give and you give,
then how,
little piggy
can you let anyone in?

I'll huff, and I'll puff until you shed that thick facade!
until you realize that your dreams 
are dreams worthy,
until you realize that you're not god,
until you see that your faults are not a weakness,
and your weakness is not being weak,
and the answers that you've came for 
and they are worthy of seeking,
you're not wasted breath,
and when your heart isn't singing 
then your soul isn't free,
and when you're mind isn't not listening,
then you're forgetting to breathe,
so listen up little piggy,
and overcome this fear,
 you chose to come on this trip,
you know why you're here,
walk that path with strong legs,
  wind those stairs with an open heart,
without seeing who you are,
you'll simply fall apart.

so pull out that passport
  and board that plane,
this existence is waiting 
and it won't wait in vain.

cuz we all have baggage baby,
it just depends if you carry it on with you
or check it into a cargo hold,
to be covered and tossed and forgotten 
until we reach a destination
where it will be bitter and cold,
I suggest you
keep it on your tray table,
in the upright but not locked position,
 so you can examine it,

 love it,

own it,

bring all your dreams to fruition.