Tuesday, March 13, 2012



I want to stuff poetry into your ears like cotton candy earplugs,
until it tumbles out like a kiddo gymnast
after my hearts' been cleaved open
revealing flurries of tornadoes of butterflies
your longest of lashes
and dusting my tongue
with the saccharine crack of our turn on this
ferris wheel.

I want to melt poetry like candle wax adn drip it down your spine,
tapping at each vertebrae
until it shudders with the figures
that embrace beyond the physical,
and a knowing warms like an elevator to the top floor of your
illuminating your smiles,
your eyes,
the sun.

I want to sling poetry through you like a pitchfork shattering the
toughest operatic wine glasses of your
until they blast into sand gliding along your
smoothly and gently,
filling every open crevice with the hymns of "hallelujah, this shit is awesome!"

I want to spoon feed you poetry until your poetic soul gathers strength,
crystal clear and shiny as Jesus' bowling ball on a hot summer day,
gliding down lanes of life
slamming into the strike of all strikes.

maybe you could be a turkey in this life- if baby,
you'd gamble just this once.

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